Felicita Pizzeria & Mexican Restaurant

349 Maple Pl, Keyport, NJ 07735

Call Now @ 732-217-1846 or Order Online

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Welcome to Felicita Pizzeria & Mexican Restaurant

Located in Keyport neighborhood of Jersey Shore. Felicita Pizzeria & Mexican Restaurant is located at 349 Maple Pl, Keyport, NJ 07735.

I just moved to the area and saw this place right around the corner from me and when I realized they had both Mexican AND Italian food, I had to try it. Got some tacos and a pizza and they were both equally fantastic.

Have been ordering takeout from Felicita for the past couple of weeks, and my experience here has been great. Certainly good enough that I would take the time to write this review. I would definitely reccomend this place over other restaurants in the area that offer mexican food. The place is consistently neat and clean every time I come to pick my food up. The service is good, they are friendly, and they make paying really quick and easy too. Obviously, since they make the food fresh and only make them to order, calling ahead of time would definitely benefit you.

my review is for the Mexican food only because I havent tried their Italian menu items. This is my favorite Mexican restaurant and one of my favorite restaurants in general. the food is authentic, delicious, and well priced. the owner is also super friendly and accommodating, and while the place is small, the atmosphere is cozy and service is fast

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Call now 732-217-1846 or Order Online


Sunday: 10:00 am - 08:45 pmMonday: 10:00 am - 09:45 pmTuesday: CloseWednesday: 10:00 am - 09:45 pmThursday: 10:00 am - 09:45 pmFriday: 10:00 am - 10:45 pmSaturday: 10:00 am - 10:45 pm

Our Location‍
349 Maple Pl, Keyport, NJ 07735